3 Days To Kill Movie Review
Title: 3 Days To Kill Director: McG (‘Charlie’s Angels,’ ‘This Means War‘) Starring: Kevin Costner, Hailee Steinfeld (‘True Grit,’ ‘Ender’s…
Title: 3 Days To Kill Director: McG (‘Charlie’s Angels,’ ‘This Means War‘) Starring: Kevin Costner, Hailee Steinfeld (‘True Grit,’ ‘Ender’s…
Kevin Costner is looking cunning in a new official image from the upcoming drama, ‘3 Days to Kill.’ In the…
Good news, “Aim High” fans! The first season of the online series has been so successful that a new season…
Title: This Means War Directed By: McG Starring: Tom Hardy, Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon, Til Schweiger, Chelsea Handler, Abigail Spencer,…
There are a few kids out there, which included myself, who daydreamed about having a double life filled with crazy…
‘Aim High,’ the first-ever social series from a Hollywood studio, is set to debut on Facebook on October 18. The…
Better late than never, right? Thanks to a certain hurricane that shall remain nameless, your weekly Movie News Cheat Sheet…
The upcoming Ouija movie is getting a new screenwriter, Disney scribe Evan Spiliotopoulos, slashfilm.com is reporting. The McG-directed film was…
McG has been picked to direct Universal Pictures’ upcoming film adaptation of the Hasbro Ouija board game, Slashfilm.com is reporting.…