Lincoln Movie Review
Title: Lincoln Director: Steven Spielberg Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tommy Lee Jones, Michael Stuhlbarg, Jackie Earle Haley, Jared Harris,…
Men In Black 3 Review
Title: Men In Black 3 Director: Barry Sonnefeld Cast: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Jemaine Clement, Emma Thompson,…
Movie News Cheat Sheet: Hunger Games Domination
Hunger Games, Hunger Games, Hunger Games! Okay, there’s been more to this past week than The Hunger Games, but there’s…
ShockYa Presents Movie Night: Hugo, The Muppets
A discussion and review the week’s new movie release from your favorite entertainment and celebrity website. Hello everyone, this is…
Hugo Movie Review
Title: Hugo Directed By: Martin Scorsese Starring: Asa Butterfield, Chloe Moretz, Ben Kingsley, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helen McCrory, Ray Winstone,…
New Trailer For Hugo Released, Bodes Well For 3D Dramas
Martin Scorsese’s “Hugo” has already been called possibly the best 3D movie ever, so the hype is high for this…
NYFF 2011 Work In Progress Screening of Martin Scorsese’s Hugo
Last Wednesday, the organizers of the New York Film Festival announced there will be a special “work in progress” screening…
Prep For Boardwalk Empire Season 2 With Detailed Character Info
Boardwalk Empire is on its way back and HBO’s got a little something to help fans get back into the…