Mary Poppins Returns Movie Review
Title: ‘Mary Poppins Returns’ Director: Rob Marshall (‘Into the Woods,’ ‘Chicago’) Starring: Emily Blunt (‘The Girl on the Train‘), Lin-Manuel…
Title: ‘Mary Poppins Returns’ Director: Rob Marshall (‘Into the Woods,’ ‘Chicago’) Starring: Emily Blunt (‘The Girl on the Train‘), Lin-Manuel…
Title: Into the Woods Director: Rob Marshall Starring: James Corden, Emily Blunt, Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine, Tracey Ullman, Daniel Huttlestone,…
Take a trip ‘Into the Woods’ with Meryl Streep, Johnny Depp and the rest of the cast from the fantasy…
We’re currently knee-deep in the New York Film Festival and while a number of entries there are bound to have…
Not only has there been loads of movie news pouring out of the Anaheim Convention Center courtesy of the D23…
With so many promising projects in the works, this weekend’s Cheat Sheet is all about the upcoming films you should…
The times are a-changin’ and it’s more evident than ever this week. Not only did Zach Braff join the Kickstarter…
‘Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ director Rob Marshall is claiming that the follow-up to the film, one of…
Rob Marshall has already made a splash with Disney when he directed “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.” Now,…