The Network Movie Review
Title: The Network Director: Eva Orner A nonfiction look at Afghanistan’s first independent news channel, TOLO TV, “The Network” charts…
Title: The Network Director: Eva Orner A nonfiction look at Afghanistan’s first independent news channel, TOLO TV, “The Network” charts…
Title: Broadway Idiot Director: Doug Hamilton An ambitious, hook-laden work of both considerable anger and pain (“And there’s nothing wrong…
Title: The United States of Autism Director: Richard Everts A unique road trip documentary that attempts to throw a spotlight…
Title: The Cheshire Murders Directors: Kate Davis and David Heilbroner Power seeks to protect its interests, inherently — to validate…
Title: Iceberg Slim: Portrait of a Pimp Director: Jose Hinojosa Pimp turned successful urban fiction author Robert Beck gets a…
Title: The Hunt Director: Thomas Vinterberg Starring: Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Lasse Fogelstrøm, Annika Wedderkopp, Alexandra Rapaport, Anne Louise…
Title: American Courtesans Director: James Johnson A candid but ultimately frustrating documentary look at the modern-day experience of escorts in the United…
Title: Evocateur: The Morton Downey, Jr. Movie Directors: Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller and Jeremy Newberger Before reality television became…
Title: Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer Directors: Mike Lerner and Maxim Pozdorovkin They bear the puckish name of an American…