DVD Review: The Sylvian Experiments
Title: The Sylvian Experiments (AKA Kyofu) Directed by: Hiroshi Takahashi Starring: Yôko Chôsokabe, Mina Fujii and Momoko Hatano Running time:…
Title: The Sylvian Experiments (AKA Kyofu) Directed by: Hiroshi Takahashi Starring: Yôko Chôsokabe, Mina Fujii and Momoko Hatano Running time:…
Title: Blades of Blood (AKA: Like the Moon Escaping from the Clouds) Directed by: Joon-Ik Lee Starring: Seong-hyeon Baek, Seung-won…
Title: The Ledge Writer-director: Matthew Chapman Starring: Charlie Hunnam, Liv Tyler, Patrick Wilson, Terrence Howard, Chris Gorham A tapestral suspense…
Title: Platoon – The 25th Anniversary Edition Directed by: Oliver Stone Starring: Charlie Sheen, Willem Dafoe, Tom Berenger, Johnny Depp,…