Joe Movie Review
Title: Joe Director: David Gordon Green Starring: Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Gary Poulter For many directors, the…
Title: Joe Director: David Gordon Green Starring: Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Gary Poulter For many directors, the…
He’s not yet 40, but director David Gordon Green has successfully juggled an interesting collection of studio comedies like “Pineapple…
Seventeen-year-old Tye Sheridan made his acting debut in Terrence Malick’s “The Tree of Life,” playing one of Brad Pitt and…
Title: Big Men Director: Rachel Boynton A kind of true-life, slow-motion disaster flick for the NPR set, director Rachel Boynton’s “Big…
Title: A Teacher Director: Hannah Fidell Cast: Lindsay Burdge, Will Brittain A deeply invested performance in service of an acutely…
Title: Prince Avalanche Director: David Gordon Green Starring: Paul Rudd, Emile Hirsch, Lance LeGault Deeper meaning rises sneakily to the…
Title: Dreamer Director: Jesse Salmeron Starring: Jeremy Ray Valdez, Isabella Hofmann, Cory Knauf, Brit Sheridan An achingly earnest immigration drama…
Title: The Girl Director: David Riker Starring: Abbie Cornish, Will Patton, Maritza Santiago Hernandez A well-meaning but rather inert borderland…
Title: The Revisionairies Director: Scott Thurman A remarkably humane and well-rounded look at a perhaps unlikely yet nonetheless incredibly divisive political…