The Croods Movie Review
Title: The Croods Director: Kirk De Micco and Chris Sanders Starring (voice): Nicholas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Catherine Keener,…
Title: The Croods Director: Kirk De Micco and Chris Sanders Starring (voice): Nicholas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Catherine Keener,…
It would appear that yours truly is a fan of either fam-friendly CGI entertainment and/or R-rated shenanigans this year. The…
“The Croods” played to a packed family audience Saturday at the Miami International Film Festival, with filmmakers Kirk De Micco…
Audiences are about to go thousands of years into the past with the 3D-animated film “The Croods.” The film, directed…
A second full length trailer for the animation, ‘The Croods’, has been released. The kid’s movie comes from directors Chris…
Catherine Keener and Emma Stone are joining Nicolas Cage and Ryan Reynolds in the voice cast of “The Croods”, the…