The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Movie Review
Title: ‘The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part’ Director: Mike Mitchell (‘Shrek Ever After,’ ‘Trolls,’ ‘Sky High’) Voices of: Chris…
Title: ‘The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part’ Director: Mike Mitchell (‘Shrek Ever After,’ ‘Trolls,’ ‘Sky High’) Voices of: Chris…
Go “Boyhood!” Best Picture: Boyhood Best Director: Richard Linklater, Boyhood Best Screenplay: The Grand Budapest Hotel Best Actress: Marion Cotillard,…
There were a ton of big-named characters in “The Lego Movie.” You’ve got Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lanter,…
We’ve got a potential heavy hitter on the way. “Need for Speed” is due out in 3,115 theaters this weekend…
“300” blew away the box office this very weekend back in 2007, but seven years is a long time and…
After a night of celebrating the best the movie industry has to offer, the big winners have Oscars to take…
“The Lego Movie’s” run on top may come to a close, but not because “Non-Stop” or “Son of God” blows…
Get ready because we’ve got a number of high profile projects making some big moves this week. Not only are…
This weekend should belong to newcomers “3 Days to Kill” and “Pompeii,” but considering neither got much of a promotional…