The Lion King Movie Review
Title: ‘The Lion King’ Director: Jon Favreau Featuring the Voices of: Donald Glover, Beyoncé, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alfre Woodard, Seth Rogen,…
Title: ‘The Lion King’ Director: Jon Favreau Featuring the Voices of: Donald Glover, Beyoncé, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alfre Woodard, Seth Rogen,…
THE LION KING Walt Disney Pictures Reviewed for & linked from Rotten Tomatoes by: Harvey Karten Director: Jon…
“The Lion King” is one of the best Disney films ever made. I dare say even better than “Frozen.” Yes,…
Moviemaking is an incredibly fluid process, so you can’t help but to end up with some “What Ifs.” What if…
Paramount is going big this weekend with a 3,549-theater release for Footloose. I thought I’d be comparing this one to…
The box office results for the weekend of 10/7 – 10/9 has Real Steel easily beating out The Ides of…
Ever wonder how many projects go into development only to never see a green light? Well, there’s a lot, but…
Fingers crossed October begins better than September ended. We’ve got just two new wide releases arriving this weekend and while…
Everyone knew this was going to happen, right? With the success of “The Lion King,” it was bound to happen.…