Apollo 18 Movie Review
Title: Apollo 18 Directed By: Gonzalo López-Gallego Starring: Warren Christie, Lloyd Owen, Ryan Robbins Found footage films are tough things…
Title: Apollo 18 Directed By: Gonzalo López-Gallego Starring: Warren Christie, Lloyd Owen, Ryan Robbins Found footage films are tough things…
I can’t believe it, but this is officially it; my coverage of San Diego Comic Con 2011 has come to…
I can’t believe it, but I’ve reached the finish line. Saturday at San Diego Comic Con 2011 has come to…
How many alien invasion films can we handle? This year alone we’ve already had Battle: Los Angeles, Super 8, Transformers:…
Dimension Films sent us the latest movie trailer for the upcoming film “Apollo 18” by director Gonzalo Lopez-Gallego from producers…
Trent Reznor has confirmed via his Nine Inch Nails message boards that he has decided not to join the upcoming…
Trent Reznor’s career is vast, spanning out not only from his internationally famous band Nine Inch Nails but into feature-length…
Who’s ready for another found footage movie? Well, whether you’re itching for one or not, Dimension Films is sending Apollo…
Abraham Lincoln finally has his own Mary Todd. Well, it’s more like they’ve finally cast the female actress to play…